So much to do

In Haiti, there’s so much to do…So many roads to build. So many children to educate. So many youth who need a future. So many jobs to create. So many hospitals to build. So many workers to train. So many houses to electrify. So many lands to irrigate. So much money to raise. So many plans to draw. So many people to feed. So many families to help. So many untimely deaths to prevent. So many politicians to restrain. So many thugs to put in jail. So many corrupt officials to remove. So many things to do…so many.

Almost everything here is to be done or redone better. We need answers, not just now, but yesterday. We can’t wait any longer. Living in Haiti, every day is a day of frustration. And frustration leads to fear, fear to despair, and despair to violence…No wonder most Haitians dream of leaving Haiti. At some point, despite all the love you can have for your country, you need to choose between a life of safety, prosperity, and some certainty and a life in Haiti, i.e. with all kinds of insecurity and uncertainty.

If you look into people’s eyes, you’ll see confusion. If you look at their bony chests and protruding shoulder blades, you’ll see days of hunger. If you look at their driving behaviors and sidewalks clogged with peddlers, you’ll see anarchy. If you look at the unruly maze of houses built on the hills and in ravines, you’ll see chaos.

We need intelligence, patience, wisdom, and so many Christian virtues, such as integrity, honesty, and transparency, to come out of this mess. Let’s draw all our principles from the book of Life, the Bible, so we can make a way out of this darkness.

May God enlighten our intelligence so we can come up with the right strategies!
May God grant us the resources we need to concretize our plans!
May God strengthen us so we can keep on moving despite all the seeds of discouragement!

Mario Malivert
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